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Holiday newsletters: 8 steps to perfection

From writing advice to versatile templates, here’s everything you need to create a memorable newsletter

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»  1. Look back on the year
»  2. Use free templates
»  3. Experiment with your story
»  4. Set the tone
»  5. Write it right
»  6. Personalize with photos and art
»  7. Preview your work and print
»  8. Send with style
»  Learn more
Variety of holiday newsletters


Connect with family and friends by sharing news, photos, and milestones with a holiday newsletter. The tips below will provide inspiration and steps to get you started.

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1. Look back on the year

Mother and daughter looking at year’s photos

Taking a look at the year’s pictures can jog your memory about the year’s highlights.

Your holiday newsletter should tell the story of your year in a way that reflects who you are. Try these tips to discover what that means to you:

  • Skim through your daily planner or e-mail updates from the last year.
  • Peruse last year’s digital photos for inspiration and ideas.
  • Gather family members together to recount their most memorable moments.
  • Think of a friend you haven’t spoken to in a year; what would you need to say to consider them “caught up” on your life?

Here are some key events to include:

  • Job changes or promotions
  • Births or adoptions
  • New pets
  • Engagements, anniversaries, or weddings
  • Family vacations

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2. Use free templates

Arctic animal photo newsletter

Arctic animal photo newsletter

Custom holiday newsletter patterns

Custom holiday newsletter

The HP Activity Center makes creating a newsletter a breeze with colourful, one-page templates.

The Arctic animal photo newsletter offers several fun and elegant layouts to choose from. You can pick a design that allows more room for text or one that is more photo-intensive.

The Custom holiday newsletter template also offers a variety of looks and layouts with ornate background designs and different colour schemes. 

These templates are a perfect solution for those who want to send something personal and impressive without spending too much time.

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3. Experiment with your story

Baby tells it like it is!

Let the baby tell the story: “They keep putting this little box in front of my face, a light flashes and they make lots of noise. What’s up with that?”

Though a straightforward approach always works, you can also have some fun with the way you tell the story of your year:

  • Recount your news from the point of view of a new baby, new house, or family dog.
  • Let the photos drive the text, by creating small stories to go with each image.
  • Write your newsletter in the form of a holiday story.
  • Create a top10 list to recap the year’s happenings.
  • Build your story around the four seasons, sports seasons, or another theme that can help structure your newsletter.

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4. Set the tone

Intimate picture of mother and child

The photos you include can also set a tone—either more or less intimate, serious, or silly, depending on your sensibilities. 

Consider who will be reading your letter when setting the tone. You may want to create two versions, one for acquaintances and one for close friends and family that can include a few more personal details. In any case:

  • Keep the tone casual.
  • Be sure to share your good news of the last year. If possible, do so in a way that won’t come across as boastful.
  • On the flip side, it’s OK to briefly mention sad events, but don’t dwell on them.
  • Share your feelings and experiences as well as the facts.
  • Use humor.
  • Include anecdotes or funny stories.

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5. Write it right

A voice recorder with a notepad

The best way to “write the way you talk” is to record yourself talking and write it down.

Friends proofreading

A well-proofread newsletter allows readers to focus on your news rather than your spelling.

Newsletter style guide
You don’t have to be a professional writer to create an engaging newsletter. Just follow these guidelines:

  • Keep descriptions short and sweet—one page is the ideal length for a newsletter.
  • If you have trouble with a conversational style, try recording yourself talking about your year and then transcribing it as a jumping off point.

It is always a good idea to get a second set of eyes to proof your newsletter before you print good quality copies.

  • If you’re sending out a family newsletter, it’s only fair to get a partner or other family member to sign off on the way you’re telling the story.
  • Find someone (maybe that same partner or family member) who’s a stickler for good grammar and spelling to look it over, too; spell check programs can’t pick up everything.

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6. Personalize with photos and art

Mother and daughter make Valentines

Pictures add both information and decoration to your newsletter.

Photos and art give your newsletter a personal touch and tell your readers more about your story at a glance than pages of text could ever do.

  • Let the pictures tell the tale
    Include photos of your family or memorable moments. Check out some Quick tips for perfect prints for suggestions to get your pictures newsletter-ready
  • Think outside the photo box
    Scan vintage photos, kids’ artwork, or even 3-D objects to add interest to your newsletter. Get 3-D scanning tips and Creative holiday scanning ideas from HP’s Digital Photography Center.

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7. Preview your work and print

Contemporary holiday newsletter

It’s easy to bring your newsletter to life.

Family Arctic animalnewsletter

A little time spent on a holiday newsletter can keep you connected to friends across miles and time.

Preview your work
Even if your newsletter looks perfect on the screen, be sure to preview it by printing out a draft on regular paper before you pull out the good paper for the real thing. (Even though printing out a newsletter seems straightforward, be sure to read any instructions; they often contain important printer setting tips.)

If you aren’t satisfied with the colours on your preview copy, remember that higher quality paper usually delivers brighter, sharper prints.

Choose the right paper for the job; heavier stock will last longer and is the best choice for showing off your photos. Choose one of the following:

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8. Send with style

Arctic animal newsletter with matching envelope

Add extra holiday flair by sending your newsletter in an envelope that lets recipients know they’re in for something special the moment they get to the mailbox.  Check out the wonderfully designed 4" x 8" contemporary holiday envelope templates that HP’s Activity Center has to offer.

A simple-to-digest article at HP’s Everyday Printing site shows you how easy it is to Print on envelopes yourself.

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Learn more

  • If you’re having one of those years where a one-sided newsletter isn’t enough, visit Double-sided printing made easy to see how to get some more space.
  • Get a “photo capable” printer to bring your holiday greetings and year-round memories to life: Check out the HP printer buying guides
  • See more Create and Print articles to learn how easy it is to create custom gifts and greetings for every occasion.                              
  • If you’re not up to a newsletter this year, the HP Activity Center’s cards have something for almost every winter celebration.
  • Get a variety of ideas on how to use your precious photo in gifts this year.

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